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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

VaLenTine Day

Happy vaLentine day to all malaysia,

 when valentine day, many of lover celebrate together to make they love became more stronger.everywhere you can see the seller sell flower,candy, chocolate and the cute's teddy bear to get more money and they also celebrate on they own way.

every couple are too busy thinking about what they want to buy to her/his lover.same of them buy candy, someone make a card and someone very hard to collect a money to buy teddy bear for their lover.

is a so happy when celebrate with your lover?????but why must waiting for Valentine day to show your love????
like "fair and loverly" one of advertisement television  everyday is loving you.hehehehehe

actually, you can show and say it everyday how much you care about & how much you love them whether to your wife/husband,your girlfriend/boyfriend or son.Just say it,only one word and at least one word everyday to show your love.

so they know how much you love them very much.....

 p/s:love my hubby so much 



firdausiah said...


Dieza aQuLiNe said...

uish laju geng ko mengumen..msti ko lari laju2 ni g buka intrnt kn ehehhehehehe

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